Thursday, May 22, 2014

Legacy...of the Doctor

That was rather a longer posting gap than I was expecting.
Without further ado:
Doctor Who, in all its forms, is amazing. This is a simple fact. Sure, there's the occasional (or even not so occasional) bad episode, terrible 'monster,' or misjudged characterization. But on the whole, the good far outweighs the bad. For the doubters among you, go watch An Unearthly Child, or Rose, or Blink, or The Eleventh Hour. If you're more familiar with Who and its concepts, go watch Name/Night/Day of the Doctor, or The Doctor's Wife, or The Deadly Assassin, or The War Games. Go listen to The Chimes of Midnight, or Dark Eyes, or Colditz, or The Light at the End. Go read the Hunters of the Burning Stone trade, or the novel The Wheel of Ice. Or go pick something totally different. (But not Love and Monsters. Please, no.)
Go on. Don't worry, I'll wait.